Kamis, 08 Mei 2008

Post subject: How to Setup a Botnet with 1.1.5 bots

order to create a botnet (linking bots together to share userfiles or to create a partyline) you will need 2 or more bots using eggdrop version 1.1.5. (Please visit our eggdrop1.1.5 setup tutorial for more info.)

You will need to have one bot that is a HUB and the rest of the bots will be LEAFS. I will show you the configuration for each of these.

We will make the HUB's Nick "Charlie" and the LEAF'S nick "Roger"

After you set the configuration for the bots and have them on IRC, I will then tell you what you must do in order to link them. BUT you must make sure their config files have the same settings as below.

Text in Italic Red you can enter your own info

STEP 1: HUB bot configurations
(Your configurations should look something like this)

set nick "Charlie" # This will be the nick your bot uses on IRC
set altnick "Charlie`" # This is the nick your bot will use if the other nick is taken
set username "Char" # This will appear before the @ in the hostname if ident is not running
set my-hostname "virtual.host.com" # This is the host your bot will use while on IRC
set my-ip "" # This is the IP of the host above (note: you can have either/or or none)
listen 12345 bots # This is the port your bot will listen on for other bots
listen 54321 users # This is the port your bot will listen for users to connect to (NOTE: You can also use "listen 12345 all" instead of those two lines
set passive 0 # with this set your bot will not accept user files from other bots. It will only send user files. 0 - shuts it off / 1 - turns it on
set share-users 1 # This sets your bot to share with other bots as long as they have theirs set to 1 and have the +s flag. 0 - shuts it off / 1 - turns it on

set learn-users 0 # This will allow users to be added to the bot if they msg your bot the hello command. Disable this if the only way you want people to be added to the bot is by the .adduser command. 0 - shuts it off / 1 - turns it on
unbind msg - hello *msg:hello # This is the default command which should be disabled for max security
bind msg - yourhello *msg:hello # Change yourhello to a word of your choice. This will be used when you first start your bot and you want to have it recognize you as the owner.
set network "EFNet" # This shows which Network your bot is on
set share-greet 0 # If this is on, the bots will share the users' info lines.
Set require-p 1 # If this is set to 1 it requires users to have the +p flag in order to join the party line
set open-telnets 0 # With this set to 1 people can Telnet to the bot an add themselves as a new user by typing NEW
set connect-timeout 15 # Sets the time in seconds the bot will wait for a Telnet, dcc, or bot connection before it disconnects.

STEP 2: LEAF bot configurations
(Your configurations should look something like this)

Fields with an ** are different from the HUBS configuration

set nick "Roger" # ** This will be the nick your bot uses on IRC
set altnick "Roger`" # ** This is the nick your bot will use if the other nick is taken
set username "rog" # ** This will appear before the @ in the hostname if ident is not running
set my-hostname "virtual.host.com" # This is the host your bot will use while on IRC
set my-IP "" # This is the IP of the host above (note: you can have either/or or none)
listen 3335 bots # ** This is the port your bot will listen on for other bots
listen 4445 users # ** This is the port your bot will listen for users to connect to (NOTE: You can also use "listen 12345 all" instead of those two lines
set passive 1 # ** with this set your bot will not accept user files from other bots. It will only send user files. 0 - shuts it off / 1 - turns it on
set share-users 1 # This sets your bot to share with other bots as long as they have theirs set to 1 and have the +s flag. 0 - shuts it off / 1 - turns it on

set learn-users 0 # This will allow users to be added to the bot if they msg your bot the hello command. Disable this if the only way you want people to be added to the bot is by the .adduser command. 0 - shuts it off / 1 - turns it on
unbind msg - hello *msg:hello # This is the default command which should be disabled for max security
bind msg - yourhello *msg:hello # Change yourhello to a word of your choice. This will be used when you first start your bot and you want to have it recognize you as the owner.
Set network "EFNet" # This shows which Network your bot is on
set share-greet 0 # If this is on, the bots will share the users' info lines.
Set require-p 1 # If this is set to 1 it requires users to have the +p flag in order to join the party line
set open-telnets 0 # With this set to 1 people can Telnet to the bot an add themselves as a new user by typing NEW
set connect-timeout 15 # Sets the time in seconds the bot will wait for a Telnet, dcc, or bot connection before it disconnects.

STEP 3: Adding and Linking bots to your HUB

OK, now we want to add your leaf bot, ROGER, to your HUB, Charlie.

DCC Chat or Telnet to Charlie (HUB) and type.

.+bot roger virtual.host.com:3335
format: .bot :
Then you will need to give the bot flags. So type
.chattr roger +ofbs
+o - global ops
+f - friend
+b - bot
+s - will allow them to share user files

STEP 4: Making your LEAF bots connect to your HUB

First you will need to add Charlie (HUB) to your Roger (LEAF).

So DCC Chat or Telnet to Roger (LEAF) and type.
.+bot charlie virtual.host.com:1234
format: .bot :
Then you will need to give you HUB some flags. So type
.chattr Charlie +ofbsh
+h - hub
+o - global ops
+f - friend
+b - bot
+s - will allow them to share user files

That's it!! :-]

Your bots should link automatically in a few seconds. If they don't make sure you have all the flags set right or type.

.link Charlie

and your bot will try and connect to Charlie

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